Discarded Tires Continue to Pose Environmental and Health Risks

Created on Friday, 24 February 2012 13:35

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

Since 1983, the Marion County Public Health Department has removed more than 1.5 million tires from Marion County roadsides and neighborhoods as part of its overall mosquito control plan. Tires are considered a near perfect mosquito breeding habitat due to the dark color which absorbs and retains heat, ability to hold water and provides protection from predators and chemical treatments.

An aggressive education campaign with area tire dealers has helped to reduce the number of tire piles located in Indianapolis. “Tire Amnesty Day,” a community outreach program, has proven to be an effective way to encourage local residents to bring their used tires to the health department during a pre-announced day in the spring. This program allows residents to bring, free of charge, up to four passenger tires to several locations for disposal at no charge. This outreach event has removed thousands of tires from local neighborhoods and created opportunities to educate the community on the environmental and health impact discarded tires have on our community.

Anyone with questions concerning mosquitoes can contact the Marion County Public Health Department’s mosquito control division at 221-7440.