Health Department to Sponsor Local Public Health Program for Hispanic Community

Created on Wednesday, 07 December 2011 13:51

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

The Marion County Public Health Department will debut “A Tu Salud,” a live 30-minute radio program on January 14 on WEDJ-FM Hispanic Radio for Indianapolis. Sponsored by the department’s Lead Safe and Healthy Homes program, “A Tu Salud” will promote the many free services and key issues covered by the Lead Safe and Healthy Homes program.

Coordinated and co-hosted by health department lead education specialist Maryori Duarte-Sheffield, “A Tu Salud” will air from 9-9:30 a.m. once a month and will encourage call-in questions from the public.

“We are so excited to bring this live, interactive program to the community. Topics will include radon gas, lead poisoning prevention, unintentional injuries and accessibility issues, moisture, asthma triggers, pest management, air quality and other public health concerns,” said Duarte-Sheffield.