Created on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 14:04

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

Marion County Responds to H1N1 Vaccine Recall

The Marion County Health Department says approximately 143 doses of H1N1 vaccine involved in a national recall have been given to children 6 months to 35 months old.

The recall was announced after testing identified some H1N1 vaccine as not having its full potency. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the affected vaccine poses no health threat to those who have received it, that there is no need to re-vaccinate and parents or guardians should plan on getting their child the recommended second dose of H1N1 vaccine 28 days after the initial dose was given.

The Marion County Health Department gave approximately 140 doses of the vaccine during a December 5 public clinic at the Lawrence North High School Fieldhouse.

Three of 100 doses provided to a private physician’s clinic were administered. The health department estimates it has about 900 doses in inventory that hasn’t been distributed and that vaccine will be returned.

“We want to reassure our parents that the vaccine involved in this recall pose no threat to their child, that there is no need to panic or to have the child re-vaccinated. We encourage parents to have their child vaccinated with the second dose of H1N1 28 days after the first dose was given,” said Virginia A. Caine, M.D., director, Marion County Health Department.

The health department will send information letters to those individuals who received vaccine involved in the recall.