Created on Wednesday, 09 July 2008 08:36
Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391
Legacy House Offers Support to Those Impacted by Violence
“Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officers found a 22-year-old man and 28-year-old woman shot to death Tuesday night in a house in the 200 block of Hendricks Place. The Marion County coroner’s office ruled the deaths homicides.”
Local headlines describing the latest homicides in Indianapolis have become an all too familiar refrain in 2008. More than 50 people have been killed in Indianapolis as a result of homicide so far this year. There have been 12 murders in Indianapolis in the last nine days.
Beyond the loss of life and the grief are the survivors. Often overlooked, those who must confront the anguish of a sudden, often devastating end to a loved ones life are left to make sense of an often senseless act. Helping these victims is the role of Legacy House.
“Legacy House is a service center for adults and children affected by all types of violence including homicide, domestic violence, child abuse, sexual assault, stalking, robbery and burglary. Therapeutic services include individual and family counseling, support groups and children’s services such as play, art and talk therapy,” said Shari Bradley, executive director, Legacy House.
Additional services include applications for emergency protective orders, emergency cell phone distribution, application assistance for the Indiana Victims of Violent Crime Compensation Fund, safety planning and community outreach and education.
Legacy House is the only victim service agency in Indianapolis, outside of the criminal justice system, that responds to all types of violence. It is also the only agency providing service to men who are victims of violence as well as women and children. Legacy House provides services free of charge while most, if not all, other victim service agencies outside of the criminal justice system charge fees on a sliding scale basis.
Demands for services offered by Legacy House have continued to increase, especially those involving children. “Children are seeing violence, are victims of violence and need support in increasing numbers. We have expanded our services to ensure these children receive the attention they deserve.”
For more information about Legacy House, please call 554-5272.