Created on Wednesday, 23 January 2008 10:19

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

Furnaces, Space Heaters and Fireplaces Can Pose Health Risks

Space heaters can cause fires if they are placed too close to flammable materials such as drapes, furniture or bedding. Fireplaces can cause fires if the chimney is cracked, blocked or coated with creosote, or if sparks and embers reach flammable materials. Fuel-burning appliances can cause carbon monoxide poisoning if they are improperly installed, poorly maintained, have defective or blocked venting systems, or are misused. The Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Marion County Health Department offer these tips to ensure all Indianapolis residents remain safe while staying warm.

Space heater tips:

Fireplace safety tips:

Consumers who would like more information can view or receive the following free booklets: “What You Should Know about Space Heaters,” at