Health Department Clinic Relocates to Offer Better Service to the Public

Created on Friday, 02 March 2012 13:30

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

The Marion County Public Health Department will relocate its Hasbrook Public Health Clinic to new facilities at 3901 North Meadows Drive, opening the new clinic with blood lead screenings on March 1, and Nurse of the Day services on Friday, March 2.

“We are fortunate to have this new space which offers a larger reception/waiting area and 4 clinic rooms that will help us serve the public more efficiently,” said Nancy Keefe, administrator of the health department’s Community-Based Care program. The current site has a limited seating area and only two clinic rooms.

Nurse of the Day services will be held Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to Noon on a first-come, first-serve basis. Services, by appointment, will be available Fridays from Noon to 4 p.m.

TB skin tests, blood pressure screening, counseling and referrals for prenatal care, infant and child health care, communicable disease services, general health counseling and vaccinations for adults and children will be available at the clinic.

Those coming for immunizations are asked to bring a current shot record. Patients also will need a copy of their Medicaid card, if applicable or their insurance card if they have coverage. There is a fee for adult vaccines, which is required prior to receiving immunizations.

For additional information or to make an appointment, please call the Marion County Public Health Department at (317) 221-2379.