Created on Thursday, 12 November 2009 13:34

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

Health Department Flu Helpline Surpasses 10,000 Calls

The Marion County Health Department Flu Helpline has received more than 10,000 calls.

Since opening September 21, the helpline has received 10,588 calls.

The 221-3366 helpline allows the public to ask general flu related questions.

“The response has been tremendous and allowed the health department to answer questions and in the process ease concerns,” said Pam Thevenow, Flu Helpline Coordinator and administrator of the health department’s water quality and hazardous materials management program.

A majority of calls are from those wanting to know about the school-based H1N1 vaccination clinics that began earlier this week and will continue through the end of the year. Callers also want to know where the general public can get the H1N1 vaccine.

“Most callers understand we don’t have a lot of vaccine to distribute and those considered most at-risk are getting the vaccine,” said Thevenow.

The Flu Helpline was established to provide current flu information and take calls that might otherwise go to 911, 211 or the Mayor’s Action Center.

Health educators are available to take calls in English and Spanish, Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Those calling at other times can leave a message and have their call returned.