Created on Tuesday, 05 May 2009 15:20

Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391

Health Department to Re-Open Two Closed Elementary Schools

Following updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, Marion County Health Department Director Dr. Virginia Caine, in consultation with the superintendents of Washington Township and Indianapolis Public Schools, has decided to re-open Spring Mill Elementary School and IPS School 60 on Thursday.

Administrators, faculty and staff from both schools will return to their buildings tomorrow with students returning Thursday.

The schools were closed May 1 after a student at each school tested positive for the H1N1 virus.

“We closed both schools under an abundance of caution and with the CDC recommendations at that time. Those recommendations have changed and we believe it is safe and appropriate to allow the students to return,” said Dr. Caine.

Administrators, faculty and staff from both schools will have to complete a health re-entry form. Students will be required to bring a parent or guardian signed health re-entry form with them to school Thursday in order to re-enter.

Dr. Caine praised both schools, administrators, faculty, staff, parents and students for their cooperation in responding to the first two confirmed cases of H1N1 virus.

“We appreciate the spirit and patience both school communities have shared with us. This has been a learning experience for all and was made easier by our shared commitment to keeping our children safe and healthy,” said Dr. Caine.

Dr. Caine also acknowledged the leadership and support of Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and Indiana State Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Judy Monroe.