Health Department Reports Possible Measles Exposure to Visitors ofThe Children’s Museum of Indianapolis on April 8

INDIANAPOLIS – The Marion County Public Health Department is advising individuals who attended the solar eclipse event on April 8, 2024, at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis of their possible exposure to a person with measles. This person is not an Indiana resident but traveled to the state while infectious.

No confirmed cases of measles have been reported in Marion County in 2024.

Anyone exposed and susceptible to measles would most likely see symptoms develop before April 22, though symptoms could be seen as late as April 29 based on the virus’ incubation period.

Symptoms for measles include:

Because measles is so easily spread, a single case is considered an outbreak. When infected people sneeze or cough, droplets spray into the air. Those droplets remain infectious in the air and on surfaces for up to two hours.

A person who experiences symptoms of measles should stay home and call their healthcare provider – which might include urgent care, the hospital emergency room, or another type of medical clinic – right away. Calling ahead before arriving also allows that provider to take steps to protect the health of its staff and other patients from possible infection.

Children are routinely vaccinated for measles at 12-15 months, and again at 4-6 years of age before going to kindergarten, but children as young as 6 months old can receive the measles vaccine if they are at risk. Some children are too young to be immunized, so those around them should be fully vaccinated for measles to protect them.

The Marion County Public Health Department offers low-cost vaccination by appointment for measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases at its district heath offices and the ACTION Health Center. Appointments are available by contacting a clinic directly. For a listing of clinic locations and phone numbers, please visit or call 317-221-2122.

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Marion County Public Health Department
Frequently Asked Questions: Measles

What are the signs and symptoms of Measles?

What does a Measles rash look like?

A person with Measles develops a maculopapular rash. This means flat, red spots will appear. The rash usually spreads from the head/face down to the rest of the body.

How is Measles spread?

Measles is a highly contagious disease. Measles is spread by contact with nose or throat droplets from an infected person. These droplets can remain in the air or on surfaces for up to two hours. An infected person can spread Measles up to 4 days prior to their rash starting. The person is also able to spread Measles up to 4 days after their rash starts.

How do I know if I have measles?

If you develop the symptoms described above, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Do not present to an emergency room or doctor’s office without calling ahead.

How is Measles treated?

Measles is caused by a virus. It cannot be treated with antibiotics. There is no single medication that can treat or cure measles. Health care for a person infected with Measles is focused on symptom management.

Can Measles cause serious health problems?

Yes. Although most people will have mild to moderate courses of illness, some people can have severe complications. These can include pneumonia, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), and even death. Two to three deaths may occur for every 1,000 reported measles cases.

Who is at increased risk of severe health outcomes from a Measles infection?

Is Measles highly infectious?

Yes. Up to 90% of non-immune persons who are exposed to Measles may become infected.

Who is at risk of becoming infected with Measles?

Anyone who has not had two doses of the measles vaccine (MMR) is considered at-risk for a measles infection.

How do I prevent a Measles infection?

The MMR vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent a measles infection. Two doses of the MMR vaccine should provide lifelong protection against a measles infection. People born prior to 1957 are presumed to be immune to Measles.

Where can I get vaccinated for Measles?

Most doctor’s offices can provide the MMR vaccine. The Marion County Public Health Department offers several locations in Indianapolis to get routine immunizations. Use this link to find a MCPHD clinic near you:

Where can I learn more about Measles?
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Media Contact:
Curt Brantingham
317-221-2316 │ 317-525-7450