Bid # NA-RENO 0325 – North Arlington Renovation Project
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids are being secured from and will be received by: Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC), 3838 N. Rural Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, for the renovation of the old Eskenazi Health North Arlington Health Care Clinic into a Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD) multi-use building. Located at 2505 N. Arlington Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46218, the building is approximately 29,000 square feet with varying scopes of renovation throughout the majority of the first floor and basement. Architectural and Interior finish work includes, but is not limited to, interior selective demolition, new interior wall partitions, interior finishes, casework, doors, and hardware. The MEPT scope of work includes an entire building HVAC replacement and upgrade. Also included is the design of new devices and fixtures for electrical power, lighting, plumbing and technology to accommodate the new floor plan on the first floor and basement.
Bids shall be in full accordance with Bidding Documents, properly and completely executed, and which are on file and may be examined on or after Friday, March 14, 2025, at 9 a.m. by prospective Bidders at the following locations:
201 N. Delaware St., Suite B
Indianapolis, IN 46204
BX / Construction League of Indiana
1028 Shelby St.
Indianapolis, IN 46203
Mid-States Minority Supplier Development Council
2126 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Each bidder for a prime contract will be required to obtain a minimum of one complete set of bidding documents. Bids will be received for a single contract and shall be in full accordance with the construction documents. Bidding documents may be obtained from Repro Graphix, Inc., 437 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, upon receipt of a non-refundable deposit, by certified check. Bidding documents will be available at Repro Graphix, Inc. on March 14, 2025.
A mandatory Pre-bid Meeting will be held on March 26, 2025, at 2 p.m., local Indianapolis, Indiana time. The meeting will be held at the project site – 2505 N. Arlington Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46218
All bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on April 18, 2025, at noon, local Indianapolis, Indiana time. Bids received after the hour and date set for receiving bids will be returned unopened. Three (3) bid copies are required. The bid opening will be conducted at: The Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Conference Center Building, 4012 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46205.
Bids must be accompanied by a satisfactory Bid Bond or Certified Check made payable to The Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, in the amount of 5% of the Bidder’s total bid and delivered in a sealed envelope showing the Bidder’s name and address as specified in the bid instructions.
All questions on this project shall be sent to Adelaide Mhlanga,
Minority, Women, Veteran and Disability-owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals/quotes on these projects.
Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County reserves the right to accept or reject any quote and to waive any irregularities in quotes.
Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County is an equal opportunity employer.
Adelaide Mhlanga, Purchasing Director
Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County
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