Our Staff

JENNIFER MOREHEAD FARMER, Vice President of Grants: Directs the Grants Department, which serves all divisions of the corporation by providing pre- and post-award grant-related services, including identifying funding opportunities, preparing and submitting grant proposals, and successfully monitoring grant activities for all grants awarded from external funding sources.
CONTACT:  317-296-2087

ANASTASIA HERGET,  Associate Director of Post-Award Management: Manages the financial administration of grants, which includes: preparing budgets and budget narratives for grant applications; preparing budget amendments; preparing grant financial reports; approving grant-related expenditures (requisitions and travel); and liaising with the HHC Finance Department.
CONTACT:  317-221-3057

RYAN DEARTH, Associate Director of Post-Award Management: Administrator for the HHC Grants Department’s satellite office located at the Fifth Third Bank Faculty Office Building at Eskenazi Health. Manages all post-award grant-related services provided to Eskenazi Health, which includes Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center, and Indianapolis Emergency Medical Services. Works closely with the Grants Director and the Pre-Award Grants Manager to manage the pre-award process.
CONTACT: 317-880-4184

DANIELLE GRIFFIN, Associate Director of Pre-Award Management: Manages the pre-award process for Headquarters, Marion County Public Health Department, Eskenazi Health (including Sandra Eskenazi  Mental Health Center), Eskenazi Health Center, and Indianapolis Emergency Medical Services grants. The pre-award process includes developing, coordinating, and writing grant proposals that address Eskenazi Health priorities.
CONTACT: 317-221-3346

JEFF RUSS, Grant Writer: Coordinates development and preparation of grant proposals and assists with resource identification and development.
CONTACT: 317-221-2245

SHAWN SUMRALLS, Assistant Director of Pre-Award Management : Coordinates development and preparation of grant proposals and assists with resource identification and development.
CONTACT: 317-880-4187

LAUREL HENSEL, Grant Writer: Coordinates development and preparation of grant proposals and assists with resource identification and development.
CONTACT: 317-221-2245

NIKI THEEUWES, Grants Specialist: Coordinates post-award activities for all Eskenazi Health grants. She also prepares budget revisions, processes grant contracts through Vendormate (the Eskenazi Health contract management system), prepares sub-recipient grant contracts, coordinates the bi-annual collection of certificates of attestation for employees who devote 100% of their time to federal grant activities, and maintains the Grants Department’s Database for Eskenazi Health grants.
CONTACT: 317-880-4185

PATRICIA VANN, Grants Sub-Recipient Monitoring Administrator : Prepares budgets and budget narratives for grant applications, processes HHC and Marion County Public Health Department grant contracts through Ariba (HHC’s contract management system), prepares monthly cost center reports for all Headquarters and Marion County Public Health Department grant program managers, prepares grant budgets for SAP, prepares sub-recipient grant contracts, approves grant-related sub-recipient invoices for payment, coordinates the bi-annual collection of certificates of attestation for employees who devote 100% of their time to federal grant activities, and maintains the Grants Department’s Database for Headquarters and Marion County Public Health Department grants. Vann monitors the activities of sub-awardees through site visits to ensure the adequacy of sub-awardees’ internal control structure and financial management system. She also verifies compliance with other business aspects of the sub-award.
CONTACT: 317-221-8379

CONSTANCE PALMER-PRICHARD, Grants Coordinator: Processes HHC and Marion County Public Health Department grant contracts through Ariba (HHC’s contract management system), and prepares grant budgets for SAP, prepares sub-recipient grant contracts, approves grant-related sub-recipient invoices for payment.
CONTACT: 317-221-3113

CATIE STERLING, Assistant Director of Post-Award Management: Coordinates development and preparation of grant proposals and assists with resource identification and development. Sterling also serves as a post-awards team Grants Coordinator, coordinating post-award activities for all Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center and Indianapolis Emergency Medical Services grants.
CONTACT: 317-880-4186

LECTOR OBARA, Assistant Director of Post-Award Management: Coordinates and monitors grant funded programs for pre- and post-award activities for all of Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County (HHC), including the Marion County Public Health Department and Eskenazi Health grants. Obara prepares grant budgets and budget revisions, monitors grant budgets to ensure proper and accurate use of grant funds, prepares financial grant reports, and approves grant-related sub-recipient invoices for payment. Obara also coordinates and assists with the maintenance of the Grants Department’s database for all HHC grants.
CONTACT: 317-221-2468

TIANA EDMOND, Grants Specialist: Works on FQHC post award activities, including budget revisions and financial reports. Other duties include grant contracts, sub-recipient grant contracts, budget amendments, and grant expenditure projections. Processes grant contracts through Ariba and creates grant cost centers for entry into SAP.
CONTACT: 317-880-4194

AMANDA NORTHROP, Grants Coordinator: Coordinates two COVD-19 grants: CDC National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities and HHS Advancing Health Literacy in Marion County. Prepares budget revisions, financial reports, and grant expenditure projections.
CONTACT: 317-221-2254

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