“You’re Worth It” Campaign Addresses Stigmas, Empowers Those Struggling with Substance Use Disorder
Published on 3 May 2021 00:00
May 3, 2021
INDIANAPOLIS – The Marion County Public Health Department is launching an anti-stigma campaign that brings a message of hope and encouragement to people who are struggling with substance use disorder (SUD). “You’re Worth It” addresses the guilt, shame and self-doubt of those in the community who are struggling with SUD and empowers them to seek help.
Campaign video and print ads feature Kristy and Phil, who are in recovery from SUD, and are currently working as peer recovery coaches. The campaign is aimed at adults ages 18 and older with empowering messages to uplift those struggling with SUD by telling them they are worth it, no matter how times they have sought help in the past.
“You’re Worth It” is currently scheduled to run through the month of August and will use a mix of different media platforms to communicate these messages.
Resources developed as part of the campaign are available at MarionHealth.org/WorthIt, including information on getting help now, how those still considering treatment can stay safe, and additional resources for family and friends. In addition to online resources, help is available by calling 317-221-4618.
The campaign also hopes to inspire individuals who have found recovery to share their story using #YOUREWORTHIT to help inspire hope through social media platforms.
“Recognizing that you need help and taking the first step to get connected to resources is a difficult decision for anyone dealing with substance use disorder, whether it’s the first time or it’s the hundredth time,” said Virginia A. Caine, M.D., director and chief medical officer of the Marion County Public Health Department. “We must stand together with loved ones and neighbors in our community to let them know they are important and to help them take that first step toward a healthier life.”
Angela Shamblin, Overdose Data to Action Grant coordinator and epidemiology manager at the health department, added, “This campaign is an important feature of our overall response to substance use disorder and overdoses in our community. We are working with our partners to offer a wide range of services to assist those that need help with addiction and to maintain recovery. Without people taking that first step to seek out help, our efforts cannot bear fruit.”
Special thanks are offered for the support and input of the INSTEP Consumer Advisory Group which is made up of people with lived experience with substance use disorder. The group provided valuable feedback for the types of messages it thought would most impact those currently struggling with substance use disorder.
“You’re Worth It” is funded by National Association of County and City Health Officials’ Implementing Overdose Prevention Strategies at the Local Level (IOPSLL), and Overdose Data to Action grants from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Curt Brantingham, M.A.
Media/Public Information Coordinator
Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County
Marion County Public Health Department
Indianapolis, IN
317-221-2316 (o) 317-525-7450 (m)