Created on Tuesday, 17 June 2008 08:32
Contact: Collette DuValle, 317-373-2391
Tire Drop-Off Program A Success
The Marion County Health Department’s June 14 tire drop off program collected 1,667 tires. Tires were dropped off at mosquito control and at Pomp’s Tire, a first year sponsor of the tire program.
“We are pleased with the results of the day and are grateful to Pomp’s Tire for their support,” said Chuck Dulla, administrator for mosquito control.
Unused and discarded tires are not only unsightly but they also create what health officials call the perfect mosquito breeding site. Unused tires hold water, the dark color attracts and retains heat and the tire offers protection from predators and chemical treatments.
Tires collected by the health department are recycled.
For more information about the mosquito control program, please call 221-7440.